The Impact of Digital Detox: Reconnecting with the Present Moment

In the era where our day starts with snoozing an alarm on our mobiles and ends with the latest update on Instagram, making it around 7 hours of screen time per day per person, digital detox is a challenge. The concept of digital detox emerges as a beacon of sanity amidst the digital chaos.

As the name suggests, a digital detox is related to the aspect of taking a break from the digital world. Digital detox has garnered increasing attention for not just social media but also other digital spaces like OTT amongst others.

However, it is worth the curiosity of how digital detox has gained its significance over the idea of both physical and mental health. Let’s deep dive into the various aspects linked to digital detox.

Need for Digital Detox

Prolonged screen time not only impacts the capacity of our brains to focus, but the fear of missing out triggers us to check our phone notifications time and again. Added to this, comparisons with over-achievers on social media severely impact mental health. Studies have shown a significant number of sleep deprivation cases linked to it.

Digital detox has proved to be beneficial beyond health-related domains. Where mindless scrolling has replaced family time and digital entertainment has taken the place of outdoor activities, a digital detox can significantly improve your relationships.

Effective Ways of Digital Detox

If you are planning a digital detox, you need to make a plan and follow it with consistency. It is easier than it sounds if you are determined to follow and reap the benefits of the same. Here are some interesting ways to try it out:-

Clear your “Why”

Jot down the reasons why you need digital detox in the first place. Whether you are clearing an exam, completing a health challenge, or improving your relationship with your partner, once your objective is clear, you are halfway towards success.

Set specific goals

Start with small and achievable goals. Measure digital time based on needs and wants and slowly and gradually reduce unnecessary ones. For instance, if your time spent is around 7 hours daily, try scaling it down by 30 minutes per day.

Use technology for your digital detox

You can use technology for digital detox through various gadgets and phone settings. Setting a bedtime mode on your phone can help you remember to drop your phone before bed each night, ensuring unaffected sleep. Moreover, downgrading your phone to minimalist themes like monochromes helps combat distractions caused by bold themes and colors used by apps. Taking the help of influencer challenges can also help.

Create no-phone areas

You can try this hack with friends and family or while you need to complete a significant project or at the gym. Keeping digital gadgets and phones out of reach at these places will force you and your loved ones to concentrate on what you may feel uncomfortable in the beginning but will thank yourself later.

Benefits of Digital Detox

What happens after digital detox? Is it worth it? With a minimalistic lifestyle, it definitely is.

According to research, around 77% of working professionals face reduced productivity levels due to gadgets around their desks. Another research states that 56% of employees disagreed with giving up their phone during office hours even on a 10% hike in salary. Even though it seems irresistible, there are so many benefits to disconnecting from technology and reconnecting with reality.

Here is a list of ways in which digital detox can significantly benefit you-

It helps reconnect with the world around you

Participating in activities conducted by others cultivates a feeling of interconnectedness with the larger surroundings and society.

It helps you discover new hobbies and interests

Digital detox makes you discover new passions and interests by trying various activities.

It helps in quality sleep

Regular daytime activities can help to improve sleep patterns and quality in general, reducing the chances of serious lifestyle illnesses.

It improves relationships

Sharing activities and experiences with others strengthens bonds and communication, enhancing the quality of relationships.

Reducing depression and anxiety

Depression and overuse of digital devices have been inter-connected. Additionally, as we use our phones more frequently, our stress levels rise. Looking at your friend’s perfect life, the constant fear you’re missing out, having less social interaction. Anxiety, unhappiness, and restlessness have all been linked to all of this. Make every moment matter because there is life to be lived in the real world.

Time Management

Spend more time doing the things you never have “time” for and less time online. Or, at the very least, don’t rush through them! You can be creative, read or write a book, play a board game, spend time with your partner, practice yoga, meditate, play a card game, be mindful, start a business, study, catch up with friends, enjoy some music, go for a walk in the park, bake a cake, think about your next vacation, paint, make jewelry, or do any of these activities.

To conclude, embarking on a social media detox can be a transformative journey to reclaim your control over your life altogether. By setting yourself free from the urge to be up-to-date with all notifications you get on your phone or your overdependence on technology, you can surround yourself with what really matters to you. So why hesitate? Try out your digital detox exercise now!

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